#Initialized empty git repository code
Say you made a commit to a code and you want to perform an activity after/before the occurrence of commit. hooks: These are the scripts which are excited when a certain event occurs.It points to the current point where we are present in our code The content of the file keeps on changing as we proceed further in commits. HEAD: Now this is the main part of the git.You can edit this file and name to your git repository description: This consist of the name of the git repository.config: This consist of basic information regarding the repository which we have.Given below are the set of files which are generated when you initialize the empty Git repository. Now Navigate back to the folder which you have initialized as bare repository and you will see a set of files. If the command has been executed successfully you will get the message. Initialized empty Git Repository. Navigate to the folder BARE and run the Command.

Navigate to the desired folder and run the command. We can create a bare git repository by using the command: git init -bare ? So let’s fire up Git and create our first Bare Repository on our local Drive. Confused where does our Code goes if we only have the basic Git files. Well as the name suggest Bare Repository is an empty Repository which has nothing but the files that are related to Git.