Dark Knight looks menacing, uses heavy armor, excels at nullifying magic damage, and has an ability to completely block even the hardest incoming attacks. Dark Knight (Starting Class - None/Additional Job) - This peculiar class utilizes dark powers to fight off the evil.

Warrior's toolkit is designed to support an all-out aggressive playstyle without forgoing much-needed defenses and self-sustain abilities, but it lacks in the group utility department which can be a bit discouraging.

He loses himself in combat and relies on his rage to carry him to victory.
Square Enix, the developers of the Final Fantasy XIV have implemented Classes and Jobs iconic to the well-established Final Fantasy series and gave players an option to play as anyone of them on every Character. This might not sound impressive until you realize that a single character can unlock every single one of them. Currently, there are 18 Jobs (4 tanks, 3 healers, and 11 damage dealers) and 10 Base Classes. However, the thing that attracts and hooks the largest number of players is definitely Final Fantasy XIV's Class (Job) System. The game offers a plethora of gathering and crafting professions, and player-made materials and equipment stay relevant, even in the end-game. The game's economy is well balanced, players have a degree of control over it, and the FF XIV Marketplace system in the form of a Market Board is well-executed. The in-game world is open, beautiful, and massive, and can be explored freely which adds a certain thrill to the gameplay. So, what makes FF XIV so good? There are quite a few things The game has well-established lore, which most of the competing titles severely lack, and the storyline is intriguing and quite engaging which is another rarity as far as online titles go.
Final Fantasy XIV is a fantasy MMORPG that launched on the 27th of August 2013 (which was a re-launch after an almost complete rebuild of the game and a full replacement of the development team - the first launch that happened in 2010 was not received too well, let's just say), and is today regarded as one of the best and most successful MMOs to date.